Monthly Regular Meeting (Aralık)

Monthly Regular Meeting (Aralık)

As the dark nights of December draws in the Covid-19 crisis takes a second bite, again, forcing a widespread of global lockdowns, companies to fail, families to be separated ...The E4E team like many organisations connected to the healthcare sector are sustaining their resilience for working hard under extreme pressures to improve the safety and quality of workers, and the people they care for. During these days of Corona Virus, the Empower4Employment Project team gathered in a strength of solidarity of the importance of the project's aims and objectives and successfully completed the second quarter of the project life cycle. Today, we had a successful monthly online meeting with all project partners. Like the glimpses of Green shoots of a vaccine, we will also report our project findings in our 2nd newsletter to be published soon. Together with everyone, we are looking forward for the New Year, but we are also aware of the hard work we have put in throughout 2020 and the continued commitments that the E4E team have pledged in completing what we have set out to do.